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To become a Twitter professional through 5 steps

5 steps to convert your Twitter profile into a Professional Account. A basic handbook for marketing professionals.

To become a Twitter professional through 5 steps

5 steps to convert your Twitter profile into a Professional Account. A basic handbook for marketing professionals.

Facebook Creator Studio or How to Schedule Your Instagram Feed

Facebook Creator Studio lets us publish, manage, and get insights from all of our Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Release of DeMomentSomTres Export plugin 2.4

Just released version 2.4 of DeMomentSomTres Export plugin. Includes the following new features: Improved custom post type filters, limit and offset parameters, new menu name, compatibility improvements and new image.

Tutorial to upload 360º photos to Facebook

Since June, it is possible to upload images to Facebook in 360º format. How do these pictures and how do they hang? Here is the tutorial

Accommodation Plugin Updated

A new update of our Accommodation WordPress Plugin has been released solving a bug in one of the widgets.

Bongo Checkout for Prestashop is now compatible with discount coupons

We just updated our component Bongo Checkout for Prestashop platform that integrates open source ecommerce platform with transport and payment Bongo Checkout. The current update is version 1.0.11

Paris Renews Its Brand Vows

We went to Paris during the Olympics to voice our thoughts on the use of the brand, the visual identity, and above all, the user experience.

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