Landing Ebook Digital Marketing – Volume 1 1

Everything you need to know about DIGITAL MARKETING VOLUME 1

Landing Ebook Digital Marketing – Volume 1 2

Do you want your business to be updated in the digital scope?

Learn everything you always wanted to know about the digital universe top apps, websites and online shops. We assure you that in 8 chapters you will acquire the necessary acknowlegments to give a push to your social networks and your business website.
Landing Ebook Digital Marketing – Volume 1 3
Landing Ebook Digital Marketing – Volume 1 4

Do you feel your business needs to take a step forward within the digital world?

What does the eBook include?

Landing Ebook Digital Marketing – Volume 1 4
Landing Ebook Digital Marketing – Volume 1 6
Chapter 1

Make the most of Instagram

Instagram is a really powerful tool when used in an appropriate way. En aquest capítol aprendràs tot el que necessites per millorar la teva presència en aquesta xarxa social.
Landing Ebook Digital Marketing – Volume 1 7
Chapter 2

Attractive photos and images for social networks

To strengthen our personal brand and maximize its visualization we have to take care of our Instagram feed. Plus, we have to attract people visually so they click on the “follow” button. Instagram feed must have one single sense, one single voice tone and a synchrony between our images.
Landing Ebook Digital Marketing – Volume 1 8
Chapter 3

Facebook for businesses

A Facebook page is a comercial account representing a company or organization. It is similar to a Facebook profile, but offers unique tools to perform the management and monitoring of interaction and participation. Basically, a Facebook page serves to represent everything that is not a person. That is, a brand, a business, a charity, a sports club, etc. Even if it is a public character it should have a page and not a profile.
Landing Ebook Digital Marketing – Volume 1 9
Chapter 4

Whatsapp Business for your business

Whatsapp Business allows you to have a presence as a business in Whatsapp, communicate por efficiently with your clients and grow your sphere. Other than the Whatsapp Messenger features, Whatsapp Business also includes other functionalities specially for businesses.
Landing Ebook Digital Marketing – Volume 1 10
Chapter 5

Why do I need a website?

Sometimes we say “I DON’T NEED A WEB” without analyzing what a website really is and what its uses are. A website is a platform that allows us to give and increase the visibility of our business in searchers. In addition, it is our letter of introduction to the digital world.
Landing Ebook Digital Marketing – Volume 1 11
Chapter 6

The advantadges of having an online shop

Having an online store, among other things, makes it easier for us to manage sales and allows us to analyze web traffic and customer journey, so that we can acquire information about it and implement improvements. The best way to know if having an online store is worth it is to review and analyze all the features of which it is composed and reflect on it.
Landing Ebook Digital Marketing – Volume 1 12
Chapter 7

If you aren’t in Google My Business, you won’t be found

Google My Business is a Google tool that allows users to know the essential information of the business. They will also be able to rate products and services through reviews and post pictures.
Landing Ebook Digital Marketing – Volume 1 13
Chapter 8

Google Analytics, don’t miss any opportunity

A tool from Google that allows us to measure and analyze user interactions and understand their behavior, preferences and issues with our website.

Those who have taken the course say…

I really enjoyed the course, it helped me a lot to understand and make more use of social media and Canva program. I still haven’t been able to get the most out of it for lack of time, but I am much more confident in this world of networking.
Marta Ros

Autoescola Els Monjos

It is always good to learn new ways to increase digital presence. A really complete and useful ebook,
David Pulido García

Portugal & Major Accounts Manager, Riso Iberica

Download our ebook

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We are a Digital (and terrestrial) Marketing business with head office in Vilafranca del Penedès and working with clients from around the globe. Our mission is to help a brands to grow and  sell more and better. We are a Growth Agency and the services that we offer fit in the Inbound Marketing philosophy, serving from strategy to tactical execution. We offer personalized services at one with the specific needs of each of our clients. If you want to know us better, we invite you to get a bit lost through our website.